020 7193 4905

Cyber Incident Response Plans are go!

First Response is pleased to announce the launch of our Cyber Incident Response Plans (CIRP).

It has never been more crucial for businesses, big or small, to have an effective Cyber Incident Response Plan in place. The GDPR laws coming into effect in May next year mean that an effective response to data loss is now an essential component for both the survival and expansion of any organisation. Recent ransomware attacks such as WannaCry have proved the potential scale of disruption that cybersecurity breaches can cause, and how an unprepared organisation is a vulnerable one.

These attacks are not going away, making it critical that organisations prepare well in advance for a potential cyber incident. Last week’s disclosure of the Equifax breach shows how the impact of a poorly handled breach can be devastating, not only in terms of reputational loss, but also to the organisation’s share price.

First Response will tailor your CIRP to your business. We offer three distinct levels of CIRP packages to ensure we can provide appropriate levels of cover. After our specialists review and research your specific requirements, we will design a bespoke plan to provide you with:

  • Detailed information highlighting areas of concern, with our recommendations on how to address these
  • The roles and responsibilities of relevant members of the organisation to comprise an IR Team ready to respond in the event of a cyber incident
  • Internal First Responders trained to react appropriately to the initial impact of an attack
  • Improved decision-making capabilities for management, and the ability to recognise the significance of critical decisions as they relate to the incident timeline
  • A direct 24/7 line of contact with your First Response IR Specialist, who can provide immediate guidance in the event of an incident. Once your Incident Response process is invoked, we can make arrangements for our IR Team to attend on-site if necessary.


For more information on how a Cyber Incident Response Plan can help your organisation please call us on: +44207 1934905 or email us at: [email protected]

We’ve written a detailed article looking at cyber incident response services here. And an article on the backup recovery process following a ransomware attack here.